
Posts Tagged ‘baby’

Many young mommies might hear from their OB/GYNs that they have a “low-lying placenta.” This can be a great worry in the third trimester, because it means that the placenta is blocking the cervix, increasing the chances of a C-section. But never fear, young mommies! There is still time for the placenta to move up into the right position, closer to the upper uterus where there is better blood circulation and nutrients–and thus less risk of pre-term delivery.

However, if after 28 weeks the placenta is still low-lying, it’s time to reduce or stop exercise and leave off the sex. I know that daddies will be unhappy, but baby will thank you!

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(Originally posted Tuesday, February 03, 2009)





“Hell no.”

“Positive. For drugs.”

“Down two quarts”


“You are have long life. Lucky Numbers: 35, 68, 92”

“Joker! Joker! Joker!”

“Too much chlorine in pool.”

“Where in the fuck do you think you’re going to put that baby?”

“You’re too young to be using this”

“This ain’t an Etch-A-Sketch. Your Eggo’s Preggo, Home Skillet”

“You are pregnant. The NSA has been notified”

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